Life is Strange вики

"Come To Me" вдохновлённая Life is Strange песня, написанная и исполненная Эдуардом Фроловым EFG с вокалом Koethe. Она была выпущена 31 декабря 2015. Версия с вокалом Robyn Ardery была выпущена 2 декабря 2016.



All my days just faded now
Smoke and glass will tell you how
Lonely was my cup of tea
Black and calm like deepest sea
Well now there's just me
Lying right beneath this tree
Howling wolves, they yearn to see
Will an angel come to me?
Come to me!
Won't breathe or make a sound
Rot to pieces under ground
Well now there's just me
Lying right beneath this tree
Howling wolves, they yearn to see
Will an angel come to me?
Come to me!
Now as death stares right at me, I see
That we have to agree
Will an angel come to me?
Come to me!
Come to me!

